Dozens of Israeli soldiers invaded, Thursday, the Al-Mogheer village, northeast of the central West Bank city of Ramallah, after closing all of its entrances, and imposed curfew forcing the villagers under house arrest.Local sources have reported that the army claimed that local youths hurled stones at Israeli military and settlers’ vehicles near the village, and threatened to keep the village under siege and curfew for an entire week.

The sources added that clashes took place between the invading army and dozens of local youths who hurled stones at empty bottles at them.

The army fired several rounds of live ammunition, rubber-coated metal bullets, and gas bombs; medical sources said a number of residents have been treated for the effects of teargas inhalation.

In related news, four armored Israeli military jeeps invaded the central West Bank city of Salfit, and harassed several residents while inspecting their ID cards. Clashes have been reported, no injuries.