Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, met on Thursday [June 13 2013] the Palestinian climber who managed to reach the summit of the Everest, and raised the Palestinian flag.Abbas met Raed Zidan, 35, in Amman – Jordan, congratulated him for this achievement and stated that this is a source of pride to all Palestinians.

The Palestinian-American reached the summit in May, and stated that his climb is dedicated to the Palestinian people struggling against the Israeli occupation of their land, especially Palestinian political prisoners held by Israel.

He climbed the Everest along with 35 internationals and 29 Nepalese guides; they said that they wanted to reach the summit to raise a million dollars for promoting education in Nepal.

They call themselves “Arabs With Altitude”, they were also joined by Raha Mubarak, 25, a Saudi woman living in Dubai, who became the first Saudi woman to reach the highest peak in the world.

Zeidan lives in Dubai and in Indianapolis in the United States. He climbed the world’s highest summits and raised the Palestinian flags on them. He is married, a father of three children [Lydia, Lilian and Khaled].