[Monday June 17 2013] Israeli sources have reported that the Hamas movement in Gaza formed a special unit to prevent resistance groups from firing shells into adjacent Israeli areas.Israeli Wallah News stated that Egyptian mediators managed to keep the truce holding between Hamas in Gaza and Israel, and claimed that Hamas formed a special unit to stop the firing of shells.

It added that the unit contains 600 Hamas fighters deployed on border areas with Israel, and operating 24/7.

According to the report, Hamas is determined to prevent all armed groups in Gaza from firing shells, even of this means clashing with certain “extremist Islamist groups”.

According to Wallah News, senior Israeli army sources confirmed the report, and said that this unit was formed before the latest war on Gaza took place, and increased its activities after the war.

Egyptian sources said that the Egyptian mediators did not only practice pressure on Hamas in Gaza, but have also been actively combating armed groups in the Sinai Peninsula, an issue that significantly reduced the smuggling of weapons to armed groups in Gaza.

During the 8-day war in November of last year, Israeli missiles and shells killed 191 Palestinians, mainly children, women and elderly, while at least 1492 Palestinians have been injured, dozens seriously.

Israeli missiles and shells killed Forty-eight children, including 16 under the age of five, in addition to 12 women and 20 elderly.

1492 Palestinians, including 533 children (195 under the age of 5), 254 women and 103 elderly have been injured.