The Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, reported that one of its leaders was shot and killed by live rounds, fired by security officers of the Hamas-led Ministry of Interior in the Gaza Strip.The Brigades said that Raed Jundiyya (Abu Al-Qassem), 38, from Ash-Shujaeyya neighborhood in Gaza city, died on Sunday at noon of injuries suffered Saturday after being shot in the head by the Hamas-run security forces. It added that Abu Al-Qassem was in his home when he was shot.

The Brigades said that, by killing Abu Al-Qassem, the security forces of Hamas “granted Israel a free service whether they intended to or not”.

It added that the fighter topped Israel’s assassination list, and was in charge of the “Missiles Brigade” that operates against Israel, especially during Israeli invasions and repeated wars targeting Gaza.

Furthermore, the Brigades said that Abu Al-Qassem was part of a group in charge of revealing the identities of certain individuals believed to be behind attempts to steal weapons that belong to the resistance.

It added that it would not remain idle while certain groups are attacking it, trying to confiscate its weapons, or trying to prevent it from defending Palestine and its people.

On its part, the Islamic Jihad Movement said that it is interested in stability and in the safety of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, and added that it will seek legal channels to communicate with the Palestinian government in Gaza, and all related security devices.

The Movement said that the Hamas-run Police headed to the home of Abu Al-Qassem in an attempt to arrest him, but mishandled the situation and resorted to excessive force.