The Israeli Ministry of Interior called on its citizens to refrain from travelling to Egypt, especially amidst planned massive protests against the government this coming Sunday. The Ministry also called on Israelis who are currently in Egypt to reconsider their plans, and to return to the country immediately.

It said that Israelis who choose to stay in Cairo should closely follow the news and developments, and should refrain from heading to areas of protests and confrontation.

The call remains a travel advisory and not a travel ban to Egypt.

In related news, the Egyptian army announced, on Friday at night, that it apprehended an Egyptian man, identified as Ahmad Mohammad Rif’t, 28, accompanying an Arab-Israeli man, identified as Ala’ Abdul-Rahman, 30, who infiltrated in the country.

The two were driving a motorcycle when Egyptian soldiers ambushed and arrested them west of the Al-Arish city. Both were moved to an interrogation facility.