Weekly non-violent protests were organized on Friday in the villages of al Nabi Saleh, Bil’in, Nil’in in central West Bank, in addition to Al Ma’ssara in southern West Bank, all of which were attacked by Israeli soldiers firing tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets. On Saturday, two women were injured during a non-violent protest in Um al-Kheir village, east of Yatta, in the southern West Bank.The protest at Um al-Kheir focused on the recent expansion of an Israeli settlement onto village land. The two women, identified as Amina and Halima, were wounded when Israeli forces attacked the crowd, beating them with rifle butts and kicking them.

During the Saturday protest at Um al-Kheir, local sources reported that three Palestinian youth and an international solidarity activist were abducted by Israeli forces and taken to a nearby military camp for interrogation.

During the Friday protests, which are weekly occurrences at a number of Palestinian villages that have lost land for the construction of the Israeli Annexation Wall, Israeli troops attacked protesters in four villages.

In the villages of Bil’in and Ni’lin, residents and their international and Israeli supporters, managed to reach the wall.

Soldiers stationed there fired tear gas and chemical water on protesters. Many civilians were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation.

Meanwhile at the nearby village of al Nabi Saleh, Israeli soldiers attacked the villagers and their supporters before leaving the village.

Soldiers used tear gas and chemical water against unarmed protesters. Later troops invaded the village and fired tear gas into residents’ homes. Many were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation.

Elsewhere, in al Ma’ssara village, Israeli troops stopped the villagers and their supporters at the village entrance then forced them back using rifle butts and batons, no injuries were reported.