Legislator Yahia Mousa, a political leader of the Hamas movement, stated that the Hamas movement and the Gaza Strip will pay a heavy price for interfering in internal Egyptian affairs, and called on his movement to reconsider its regional policies, especially with neighboring countries. In an interview with the Wattan News Agency, on Wednesday morning, Mousa said that Hamas, as an Islamist movement, supports the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, but does not have the right to interfere in internal Egyptian affairs, but instead must act to stop the bloodshed between the supporters of the Brotherhood and their opponents.

He said that meddling into Egyptian affairs would affect the Palestinian people, especially in Gaza, and would lead to shutting down all siege-busting tunnels that have become virtually the only source of goods and supplies to the coastal region.

Mousa called on the Hamas leadership to reconsider its policies when dealing with Egypt, and to reconsider its regional relations, especially with neighboring countries that support the Palestinian people and the Hamas movement.

He said that Hamas needs to place the Palestinian interests as a top priority for its policies, and added that the Egyptian experience with Hamas during the June 25 2011 Egyptian revolution, caused concern among Egyptian leaders, and affected Hamas’ relation with various Arab nations.

“We asked the Hamas leadership to stop interfering into internal Egyptian affairs; the Egyptians are always concerned when any party does that”, Mousa said, “No Palestinian party in Gaza has the right to meddle in what is happening in Egypt, or any other Arab country, such acts negatively impact the movement and the Palestinian people”.

“Let me say it frankly: my fellow legislators, and myself, might have to stand at any given moment and say all doors have been shut in front of us, and then we must submit our resignations”, he said, “The Palestinian Legislative Council is not operating as a united body, all legislative blocs, including Fateh and Hamas, are not working together, we must make that clear to the Palestinian people”.