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Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for September 28th to October 4th, 2013.

This week saw and escalation of Israeli army and settlers attacks targeting Palestinian communities. Those attacks left one civilian killed and five others injured. These stories and more, coming up, stay tuned.

The Nonviolence Report

Let’s begin our weekly report as usual with the nonviolent activities organized in the West Bank. This week Israeli soldiers attacked the anti wall protests using tear gas and chemical water, as a result six people were injured by troops attacks. IMEMC’s Salam Qumsiya reports:

On Friday protests were organized in the village of Kufer Qadoum in northern West Bank in addition to the villages of al Nabi Saleh, Bil’in, Nil’in, central West Bank and Al Ma’ssara village in southern west Bank.

Six civilians were injured on Friday in Bil’in village when residents and their Isralei and international suporters managed to reach the Israeli wall built on local farmers’ lands. The troops used tear gas and chemical water to attack the unarmed protesters.

Bil’in protest marked the end of the end of the 8th International Conference on the Palestinian Popular Struggle which started on Wednesday.

According to orgnziers the conference aims to to show internationals real life examples of the struggles and suffering of Palestinians; to extend the popular non-violent struggle; and strengthen the relationship with the international solidarity movements and to find new ways to support and empower the popular struggle.

Meanwhile at the nearby villages of and Ni’lin, and al Nabi Saleh, Israeli troops attacked weekly protests with tear gas casing many to be treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation.

In Nil’in residents and their supporters managed to reach the wall while in al Nabi Saleh troops attack protesters before leaving the village.
Elsewhere, Israeli troops attacked the villagers of at al Ma’ssara and their supporters at village entrance then forced them back using rifle buts and batons to bush people back, no injuries were reported.

Eelier in the week, Palestinian residents, along with their international supporters, managed to remove a checkpoint separating the village of Al walajeh from the nearby by city of Bethlehem.

For IMEMC News this is Salam Qumsiya.

The Political Report

Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, briefed this week the Palestinian leadership on latest meetings at United Nations. Meanwhile, Palestinians voiced deep concern over Cheeque republic intentions of relocating its embassy from Tal Aviv to Jerusalem. IMEMC’s Rami Al Meghari with the details:

Mahmoud Abbas returned back from a visit to United Nations, where he participated in UN General Assembly meetings. Abbas had asserted that peace is nearer than before and that a Palestinian state on the boundaries of 1967 is the desire.

The Palestinian leadership listened in Ramallah to Abbas’s briefing and reiterated the same stance.

Palestinian Authority’s spokesperson, Nabil Abu
Rodaina, was quoted as saying that the occupied East Jerusalem as future capital of Palestine, as well as the release of all Palestinian prisoners , are the most components of any Palestinian-Israeli peace deal.

Meanwhile, top Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Eriqat expressed grave concern over reports that the Cheeque republic intends to transfer it’s embassy office in Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem. Eriqat said that this would greatly damage underway peace efforts in the region.

Occupied East Jerusalem is considered by United Nations and international law as being a Palestinian city that Israel occupied in 1967.

In the meantime, a right wing Israeli member of Kenesset, Oveir Okonees, rejected vehemently idea of allowing Palestinians to erect their own airport. Okonees believed that Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, would face a tremendous opposition to that.

Prior to the restart of peace talks two months ago, it was reported that Palestinians would likely be allowed to have a small airport, as support to peace talks with Israel.

For IMEMC News, I am Rami Almeghari in Gaza

The West Bank and Gaza Report

This week the Israeli army conducted at least at least 45 military invasions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank and Gaza. During these attacks Israeli soldiers killed one Palestinian civilian and injured six others. Moreover troops kidnapped 23 Palestinians, including one child. IMEMC’s Eman Abedrabbo-Bannoura, has more:

On Monday of this week In the Gaza Strip, Israeli forces killed a Palestinian civilian and wounded and arrested another one near the border with Israel to the east of Beit Hanoun town.

The victim was hit by several bullets to the back and one bullet to the head. He was unarmed, and according to his family, he attempted to cross the border into Israel to search for a job.

Also on Monday night and Tuesday at dawn, Israeli soldiers stationed across the border with Gaza fired a number of shells into farming area, east of Beit Hanoun, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. Damage but no injures were reported.

In the West Bank this week, Israeli troops attacks left 5 Palestinian civilians, including 2 children, injured. On Saturday a 6-year-old child and his 14-year-old sister were wounded in al-Fawwar refugee camp, south of Hebron southern west Bank.

The child was hit by a rubber-coated metal bullet to the right eye. As a result he lost his sight in it. On the same day, 3 civilians were wounded during clashes with Israeli forces in the center of Hebron city.

Also this week Israeli settlers attacked Palestinians on a number of occasions and caused damage to their property.

On Monday extremist Israeli settlers broke a gravestone in a Christian Cemetery that belongs to the Latin Patriarchate in occupied East Jerusalem. on Tuesday at dawn, a number of extremist Israeli settlers burnt a Palestinian car, in Burin village, south of the West Bank city of Nablus.

Staying in northern West Bank a number of extremist Israeli settlers closed, late on Wednesday at night, the western entrance of Ya’bod village, near the city of Jenin, and harassed several residents.

In other news Israeli soldiers destroyed Khirbit Makhoul Bedouin village in the West Bank’s Northern Plains area, for the fourth time in a row this week.

The attack comes two days after the residents rebuilt their structures, and installed tents, after the army demolished them in a previous attack.

Soldiers also drove one of their armored vehicles through a shed that was installed just two days ago after the army destroyed the village for the third time on Monday. The tents that have been removed, and the structures, were donated by international human rights organizations on Monday.

For IMEMC news this is Eman Abedrabbo-Bannoura.


And that’s all for today from This Week in Palestine. This was the Weekly report for September 28 to October 4, 2013 from the Occupied Palestinian Territories. For more news and updates please visit our website at This week’s report has been brought to you by George Rishmawi and me, Ghassan Bannoura.