[Tuesday Morning October 29, 2013], several Israeli military jeep, and police vehicles, accompanied by bulldozers, invaded Beit Hanina, in occupied Jerusalem, and demolished an apartment building.Local sources have reported that the building belongs to a resident in Al-Ashqariyya area, in Beit Hanina.

The owner, Amin Shweiky, said that dozens of soldiers invaded the area, declared it a closed military zone, and demolished the building without any warning.

He added that that the families were not even granted time to remove their furniture and belongings from the building.

“It seems that Nir Barkat, wanted to start his new term as mayor by avenging the lost votes”, Shweiky said, “The Palestinians in Jerusalem boycotted the election, and Barkat now wants to target the very existence of the indigenous Palestinian population.”

In related news, dozens of soldiers invaded Khirbit At-Taweel area, in the eastern suburb of Nablus in the northern part of the West Bank, and demolished a concrete water basin, in addition to two rooms.

The demolished structures belong to residents Yousef Bani Fadel, Atiyya Bani Menya, and Ata Reehan.
Khirbit Tawil, east of Aqraba town, has been subject to frequent attacks that led to the repeated destruction of homes and property.