U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem, this morning, the Palestinian News Network (PNN) has reported. The meeting was set to be attended by Minister Moshe Ya’alon.Israeli political sources in Jerusalem are expressing the belief that a period of nine months is not enough time to resolve all outstanding issues.

The sources added that Israel expects the Palestinians to answer questions regarding the recognition of the ‘Jewishness of the state of Israel’, in addition to the Right of Return, and confirmed that there will be no negotiations before the settlement of border issues.

Kerry met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah, last night, with Abbas stressing that the survival of Israel in the Jordan Valley equates failure to reach a peaceful settlement.

He added that all settlements built on Palestinian land and must be evacuated. He did not rule President Abu Mazen and the Palestinian Authority to extend ongoing negotiations with Israel if the month was marked by seriousness.

A Palestinian source has stated that the meeting between Kerry and Abbas did not last more than half an hour.