[Thursday December 26, 2013] Palestinian Presidential Spokesperson Nabil Abu Rodeina stated, Thursday, that the Palestinians are not having any kind of ‘secret talks’ with Tel Aviv.His statements came after some Israeli media agencies claimed that Yitzhak Molcho, special envoy and confidante of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has been holding talks with an associate of Abbas, in London.

He also denied Israeli reports alleging that Netanyahu and Abbas have been secretly communicating for several years. He said that there are no ‘secret talks’ taking place.

Israeli daily, Haaretz, said that the office of Benjamin Netanyahu refused to comment on the issue.

Haaretz added that Netanyahu gave more significance to ‘secret talks with the Palestinians’ during his previous term in office.

Also on Thursday, President Abbas held a meeting with U.S. Special Envoy for Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations, Martin Indyk, in the central West Bank city of Ramallah, holding peace talks, there, on the efforts to achieve peace.