[Thursday, January 30, 2014] Three Palestinian detainees, held by Israel under arbitrary Administrative Detention orders without charges, have been on hunger strike since March 9, and are determined to continue their strike until their release, or a day in court.Head of the Legal Unit of the Palestinian Prisoner Society (PPS), Jawad Boulos, said that three detainees, Akram Al-Faseesy, Moammar Banat, and Waheed Abu Mariyya, are currently held in the Ramla Prison “Clinic”.

Last week, they were moved to the clinic, which lacks basic supplies, following a deterioration in their health conditions.

Boulos said the three detainees are held in two rooms at the clinic, isolated from the rest of the ailing detainees, and are only drinking water mixed with some salt and sugar.

He added that the bodies of the detainees are fragile, weak, with clearly noticed serious weight loss.

“They are refusing to conduct medical tests, they want to continue their strike”, Boulos said, “Their demands are to be immediately released, or to be sent to court…”

The three detainees are from the southern West Bank city of Hebron; they never faced charges, they were never interrogated, and are just held under administrative detention orders, in direct violation of all related human rights treaties.

In related news, dozens of soldiers invaded Section 7 of the Negev Detention Camp, searching the rooms and tens of dozens of detainees.

The soldiers assaulted several detainees, beating and pushing them around, while cursing at them.

The prison administration decided to impose further restrictions, and punish the detainees more, by turning the section into a solitary confinement area.