[Monday Night, February 3, 2014] Dozens of Israeli soldiers invaded al-‘Arroub refugee camp, north of the southern West Bank city of Hebron, and clashed with local youth; five Palestinians and two Israeli soldiers were wounded.Eyewitnesses said that local protesters hurled a Molotov cocktail at the invading soldiers, wounding one in the leg, while another soldier was hit by a brick in his upper body.

They added that the soldiers fired dozens of rubber-coated metal bullets, gas bombs and concussion grenades, wounding five Palestinians while several others suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation.

Furthermore, scores of soldiers were extensively deployed at the entrance of the camp, especially during evening hours, and harassed residents trying to enter or leave it.

Medical sources in the camp said that at least thirty Palestinians have been injured by rubber-coated metal bullets, while dozens suffered the effects of tear-gas inhalation, during repeated military invasions over the past three days.

In related news, soldiers installed two mobile homes on a land that belongs to the town of al-Khader, south of the West Bank city of Bethlehem.

Palestinian security sources in Bethlehem have reported that Israeli soldiers removed a military tower that stood in the Om Rokba area, south of al-Khader, and installed the two mobile homes to expand an illegal outpost.

Om Rokba is subject of frequent and escalated attacks carried out by Israeli soldiers and settlers, while several residents received property destruction orders, and others were ordered to stop constructing homes and facilities on their own lands.