[Wednesday, February 05, 2014] Israeli authorities decided to illegally confiscate around 20 dunams of Palestinian lands belonging to a resident of Artas village, south of Bethlehem.Hasan Breijiyya, coordinator of the Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements in Bethlehem, have reported that resident Kawkab Mousa Ayesh, found the order placed on her land, located in Khallit al-Qotn close to Wad Rahhal village, south of Bethlehem.

Breijiyya said the land is close to the Efrat illegal settlement, and that the order states the 20 dunams are “state property”.

He further stated that, two months ago, Israeli settlers installed two tents in the same area and, last week, they bulldozed and uprooted Palestinian lands.

Khallit al-Qotn residents own around 1,000 dunams threatened by Israel’s ongoing illegitimate settlement activities, and Israel’s military violations.