[Tuesday, February 11, 2014] Several extremist settlers invaded Palestinian lands and orchards in al-Khader town, south of the West bank city of Bethlehem, uprooting 150 olive trees and illegally occupying eight dunams of Palestinian lands. Mohammad Shawqy az-Zayyah told Ma’an News Agency that the settlers uprooted 150 trees which he planted in his land two years ago, in addition to uprooting grape vines, located close to an illegitimate settlement outpost near the Daniel illegal Settlement.

He added that, after uprooting his trees, the settlers illegally occupied eight dunams planted with grape vines and olive trees, also close to Daniel settlement.

The land belongs to resident Hasan Mousa, and is planted with olive trees and grape vines.

In related news, soldiers invaded Palestinian communities in the northern West Bank city of Nablus, kidnapping three Palestinians.