Two young Palestinian football players shot by Israeli forces, last month, have learned that they will never again be able to play sports, due to their injuries, say doctors.
Doctors at Ramallah governmental hospital said that the pair will need six months of treatment before they can evaluate if the two will ever even be able to walk again, at best, according to Ma’an News Agency.

Jawhar Nasser Jawhar, 19, and Adam Abd al-Raouf Halabiya, 17, were shot by Israeli soldiers as they were walking home from a training session in the Faisal Hussein Stadium, in al-Ram, central West Bank, on January 31.

Israeli forces opened fire in their direction without warning as they were walking near a checkpoint.

Police dogs were subsequently unleashed on them before Israeli soldiers dragged them across the ground and beat them.

The pair was subsequently were taken to an Israeli hospital in Jerusalem, where they underwent a number of operations to remove the bullets.

In related news, Ma’an reports that Arab Idol winner Mohammad Assaf said, this week, that he has been banned from performing at the 2014 FIFA World Cup opening ceremony.

‘I was supposed to sing for the World Cup 2014, in the opening ceremony. But — I do not want to accuse anyone — but some people, or states or parties, God knows who, intervened and FIFA canceled my song with Platinum Records,’ he said at a news conference in Gaza, on Tuesday.

‘There are a lot of people who fight me, I do not know who,’ he added.

Assaf, the first Palestinian to win the popular Arab Idol TV singing contest, became the UN’s first Palestinian goodwill ambassador in June of 2013, following his victory.

An official from FIFA could not be reached by Ma’an.