Israeli occupation forces assaulted, on Saturday evening, photojournalist Yousef Shakarneh from Nahalin village, west of Bethlehem, who worked as a freelance photojournalist with a number of local and international news agencies.Parents of the Photojournalist Shakarneh told the PNN that their son was assaulted and severly beat while shooting a report about the suffering of the Palestinian workers who work inside the Green Line, in an area located near the Beitar Illit settlement.

They added that they had received the news of their son from one of the workers, who saw Yousef lying on the ground at an Israeli checkpoint near the settlement, after occupation troops assaulted him.

The father of the journalist said that the worker approached his son and asked him about what happened to him, adding that the worker took Yousef’s mobile and called his family and, then, that he worked on transferring the wounded photojournalist to one of the hospitals in Bethlehem.

He added that his son Yousef told him that four soldiers stopped him from shooting the report and detained him for several hours. They assaulted him and threw him near one of the checkpoints, where he was found by the worker. Yousef suffered severe bruises and fractures all over his body.