[Tuesday at Dawn, February 17, 2014] Dozens of Israeli soldiers invaded Ya’bad town, west of the northern West Bank city of Jenin, clashing with local youth causing various injuries.Local sources said that the soldiers invaded the village, fired concussion grenades, and gas bombs, causing several residents to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation.

The soldiers drove around the town, harassing several residents, according to eyewitnesses.

Furthermore, soldiers based at a military roadblock, near the village, detained resident Ibrahim Zeid and his children for several hours.

In related news, soldiers invaded Hebron city, in the southern part of the West bank, broke into and violently searched several homes, and kidnapped Ahmad Tareq ar-Rajaby, 17, and Mahmoud Ali Abu Sneina, 15, from the Old City.

Soldiers also kidnapped resident Odai Abdul-Aziz al-Khdour, 22, from Bani Neim nearby town, as he was near the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron.

Media sources in Hebron said that soldiers also invaded the towns of Doura and ath-Thaheriyya, south of Hebron, and various neighborhoods in the city.

The army also kidnapped Saif Ahmad Taha, 22, after invading Wad al-Harya, in Hebron, taking him to an unknown destination.

As part of their daily invasions and assaults in different parts of the occupied West Bank, soldiers invaded various communities, broke into and searched dozens of homes, kidnapping at least nine Palestinians.