Israeli sources reported, Friday, that Israeli Navy boats came under fire close to the Rafah shore, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. Israel said the incident took place last Wednesday, after the navy opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats.The sources said that a gag order was lifted at midnight, on Thursday, and that the incident took place between Palestinian and Egyptian territorial waters.

According to the Israeli report, Israeli Navy vessels observed two speeding boats driving, from the Egyptian side, towards Palestinian waters, and opened fire at them before Palestinian gunmen on the shore opened fire at the Israeli Navy vessels, causing no damage or injuries.

Israel said that the navy is rarely under fire from Gaza, and that initial investigations indicate “smugglers” are behind the attempt.

An Israeli security official said that closing and destroying siege-busting border tunnels by Egypt increased pressure on “smugglers”, forcing the Palestinian armed groups to try to “smuggle weapons through the sea.”