[Tuesday, April 1, 2014] Unites States Secretary of State, John Kerry, left the Middle East following his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, but did not meet President Mahmoud Abbas.Kerry spent 61 hours in Tel Aviv, held meetings with Netanyahu and Israel officials, but could not meet Abbas due to what was described as “prior commitments”.

Israeli sources said the Kerry-Netanyahu meeting took longer than expected, therefore, Kerry just held a smaller meeting with Palestinian negotiator, Dr. Saeb Erekat, in Jerusalem.

A German news agency stated that Kerry headed to Brussels to attend a meeting held by European Foreign Ministers at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

NATO is holding sessions to discuss the latest developments in the Ukraine. It will hold its last session Wednesday, the Al-Alam Iranian News Agency has reported.

Israeli officials said that Kerry will likely return to the Middle East, to hold a meeting with Abbas after the NATO meetings are concluded.