The Palestinian Ambassador to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour, has made a call to the international community to boycott products from Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.During a meeting of the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, Tuesday, Mansour said “You have to get ready to start adopting laws in order not to accept or allow anything that comes from settlements, because what comes from an illegal thing is illegal.’

According to the Alternative Informaiton Center (AIC), Mansour called on countries to follow Europe and South Africa, also referring to the Netherlands, where he said five banks are not doing business with Israeli banks because they deal with settlements.

“We expect all banks in your region… to take such steps,” he said.

On March 28, in a letter to European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, 29 members of the European Parliament called for an action to discourage European companies from trading with firms based in Israeli settlements.

The EU lawmakers say that any economic relations with Israeli firms involved in settlement construction will contribute to Israel’s violation of international law and human rights abuses.