Three civilians were injured and seven were kidnapped, on Friday, as Israeli soldiers attacked the non-violent protests organized in West Bank villages. Protests were organized, Friday, in the village of Kufer Qadoum, Salim and Karyut in the northern West Bank, the villages of al Nabi Saleh, Bil’in, Nil’in, both in the central West Bank, and Al Ma’ssara village, in southern west Bank.

Two civilians were kidnapped and many others suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation when troops attacked the weekly anti-wall and anti-settlements protest at the village of Kufer Qadoum. The abductees were identified as Ghalib Hilmi Ishtewi, 23, and Ibrahim Bassam Juma, 21.

Local residents said that troops attacked protesters before leaving the village and fired tear gas into nearby residents’ homes causing damage.

In the central West Bank, Israeli troops used tear gas and sound bombs as well as chemical water to attack the weekly anti-wall and anti-settlements protests at villages of Bil’in and Ni’lin, and the nearby village of al Nabi Saleh.

In Bil’in and Ni’lin, Israeli soldiers attacked the protesters as soon as they reached the gate of the wall which separates local farmers from their lands. Many protesters were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation at both locations.

Meanwhile, seven residents were kidnapped and one international supporter from France was injured at the village of Al Nabi Saleh. Troops attacked the unarmed protesters before they were even able to leave the village center, on their march. Later, soldiers stormed the village and fired tear gas into residents’ homes, causing damage.

Meanwhile, Israeli troops attacked the villagers of al Ma’ssara, in the southern West Bank near Bethlehem, and their supporters at the village entrance. The soldiers then forced them back using rifle butts and batons. No injuries were reported.

In the northern West Bank, protests were held in the villages of Salim, east of Nablus, and Karyut, south of Nablus. Israeli troops deployed to the villages and fired tear gas to disperse the demonstrations. Dozens of people suffered from tear gas inhalation, but none were hospitalized.

The protests in the two Nablus-area villages focused on the new Israeli ‘Jewish-only’ settlements built on their land, in recent months.