Armed Israeli settlers attacked, on Saturday, Palestinian farmers and shepherds in lands to the east of Yatta in Hebron district, according to a local activist.Protected by Israeli forces, heavily armed settlers stoned Palestinian farmers and shepherds in Khirbet al-Kharrubi and al-‘Arqoub to the east of Yatta, said Coordinator of Anti-settlement and Wall Committee in Southern Hebron Ratib Jabour, according to WAFA Paelstinian News Agency.

Settlers also severely beat two farmers aged 20 and 26 years and prevented them from harvesting their crops and grazing their flocks on their lands.

Jabour added that settler attacks against Palestinians in southern Hebron aim to seize Palestinians’ properties and crops, which are the main source of livelihood for the farmers and their families.

Jabour condemned Israeli settlers’ systematic practices and attacks against Palestinian villages and development projects in southern Hebron, noting that they are aimed to displace Palestinians out of their lands in order to seize them for settlement construction.

Israeli forces abducted, Saturday, three people as settlers stormed towns in the district.

Forces stormed Dura, a town located to the south of Hebron, where they kidnapped an 18-year-old person after breaking into his family’s house and tampering with its contents.

Forces also took two people aged 21 and 23 years, residents of Surif located to the northwest of Hebron, near the section of apartheid wall built on Palestinian-owned land and belonging to residents of Karas and Surif.

Meanwhile, Israeli settlers broke into Palestinians’ lands at Khirbet Jamrin in Surif and Marʻiyya area in Hahul, where they terrorized residents.

In addition, WAFA reports that Israeli forces set up checkpoints at the northern and southern entrances of Hebron city as well as at the entrances of Saʻir, Halhul, Dura and Idhna, where they stopped and inspected Palestinian vehicles travelling along the way and examined passengers’ ID cards.

In Jaber neighborhood, in the old city of Hebron, Israeli forces severely beat four Palestinian minors, according to their parents.

They said forces assaulted four children aged between 10 and 13 years, beating them with the rifle butts and army boots.

The children sustained bruises and were admitted into a Hebron hospital to receive medical treatment.