The human rights situation in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory has continued to be a source of serious concern, a human rights and democracy report on the Palestinian territories in 2013 has shown.According to the report, the British government’s concerns centre on the continuation of Israel’s violations of international law, human rights and international humanitarian law, as part of its occupation of Palestinian land.

The report said: ‘There has been an escalation in settlement expansion; a rise in the death toll of Palestinians and Israelis in the West Bank; and an increase in the demolition of Palestinian property, with no real progress in easing Israeli restrictions.’

British Foreign Secretary William Hague announced the publication of the report in a speech at the Foreign Ministry yesterday. The dossier sets out the steps taken to promote and protect human rights in 2013.

Editor’s note: The UK reportedly gives over £6billion to Israel in aid and a similar amount in arms, each year — over twice the official figure attributed to US aid.

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