Israeli Foreign Minister and head of Israel Our Home Party, Avigdor Lieberman, stated Wednesday that the signed agreement between Fateh and Hamas movements “is an end to political negotiations with Israel”.The two movements agreed to form a technocrat government which would also include other factions and independent figures.

In a statement issued by his office, Lieberman said that the Palestinian Authority cannot make peace with Israel and the Hamas movement at the same time.

He added that “Hamas is a terrorist organization that seeks the annihilation of Israel”, therefore, any agreement or reconciliation with it means an end to the political process between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

Lieberman, a settler himself living in an illegal settlement in the occupied West Bank, is known for his harsh stances and positions.

In his previous positions, in different Israeli governments and as a member of Knesset, he repeatedly described the Palestinians with the Arabs in historic Palestine as a strategic threat, and called for deporting them to nearby Arab countries. He also served as the “Minister of Strategic Affairs”.

Meanwhile, the United States said that its recognition of a newly formed Palestinian government, and “continued support” depends on the government’s respect and implementation of all previously signed peace deals between Israel and the Palestinians.

The agreement signed Wednesday between Fateh and Hamas is an agreement to implement the previously signed unity agreements, which were signed years ago in Doha – Qatar, and in Cairo – Egypt.

President Mahmoud Abbas will start talks on forming the new transitional national unity government that will be formed within five weeks, and will be holding talks on declaring new elections that would be held at least six months after the new government is formed.