[Friday at Dawn, April 25, 2014] Several Israeli military jeeps invaded the al-Ma’sara village, near Bethlehem, broke into and searched the home of Hasan Breijiyya, coordinator of the Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements.The Radio Bethlehem 2000 has reported that the soldiers threatened more escalation and violence against the village and its people unless they stop their popular, nonviolent, resistance activities against the illegitimate Apartheid Wall and settlements.

No arrests were reported during the invasion; the village is subject to frequent military assaults, in addition to assaults carried out by Israeli settlers.

The village lost a lot of its land to the Wall and settlements, and the residents continue to struggle against ongoing, illegitimate, confiscation of their orchards and farmlands.

Soldiers frequently invade the village and kidnap numbers of Palestinians, including children, in an attempt to stop the ongoing popular resistance against the illegal occupation, Wall and settlements.

Along with various villages in the occupied West Bank, including Bil’in, Ni’lin and Nabi Saleh, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah, weekly nonviolent protests are held every Friday by local residents, Israeli and international peace activists, and are met with the excessive force used by the soldiers.