Dr. Mousa Abu Marzouk, a senior member of the Hamas political bureau, says all Palestinians, regardless of religious diversities, are sailing on the same boat.Abu Marzouk, making a visit to the Greek Orthodox Church in Gaza, on Monday, said that all Palestinians, including Muslims and Christians, are in the target square of the Israeli occupation, noting the unacceptabilty of exclusion to anyone based on religious belief, according to Al Ray Palestinian Media Agency.

Bishop Alexius said, in turn, that all prophets and apostles, over time, emphasized the oneness of the message and respect for all religions, stressing that: “We as Palestinians are on this land to live in co-existence.”

Furthermore, Al Ray reports that Alexius has said the church will support the forthcoming Palestinian concensus government, in order to achieve unity and meet the interests of the people.

At the end of his visit, Bishop Alexius accompanied Abu Marzouk in a tour around the church, and spoke of its place in a rich history going back 2,000 years.