Eyewitnesses have reported that Israeli soldiers attacked, on Thursday evening (May 29, 2014], three young Palestinian men on Ash-Shuhada Street, in Hebron city, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank.The three have been identified as Mohammad al-Jamal, 22, Diab al-Kurdi, 20, and Diab al-Karaky, 20; the soldiers stopped the two Palestinians at the roadblock, and violently assaulted them before one of them lost consciousness.

Imad Abu Shamsiyya, a local volunteer with the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories (B’Tselem) stated the soldiers tried to prevent the B’Tselem team from documenting the assault.

Abu Shamsiyya added that such attacks became a daily occurrence in Hebron, especially on Ash-Shuhada Street.

He said the soldiers refused to allow local medics to provide treatment to the two Palestinians, and insisted on arresting them.

Imad al-Atrash, a local activist, said the attack was the third on Thursday alone, adding that Israeli military assaults and attacks by Israeli settlers take place on a daily basis.

Al-Atrash added that the settlers also repeatedly attack international solidarity activists, and Israeli activists.