The United States stated it would deal with the new Palestinian unity government, a caretaker government before elections are held, adding that the government will be judged by its actions, and by its commitment to the Quartet Conditions.The US said the new Palestinian government does not have Hamas ministers, or affiliates, and that a continued support to any Palestinian government is based on its actions, and its continued commitment to the conditions of the Quartet Committee (The US. The EU, the UN and Russia).

The Quartet Conditions are “renouncing violence”, “recognizing Israel”, and “abiding by previously signed peace deals”.

Although the quartet advised Israel to refrain from its ongoing violations, including assignations, invasions and destruction of homes, and its illegitimate settlement construction and expansion activities, Tel Aviv never faced ultimatums, the Ma’an News Agency said.

US State Department Deputy Spokesperson Mary Harf stated that the Palestinian unity government is a government of technocrats, many of its ministers served in previous governments, and that this interim government is in charge of preparing for new legislative elections.

Harf added that the United States would closely monitor the conduct of the new Palestinian government, to ensure its commitment to the Quartet conditions.

Her statements came in response to the stances of the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu, labeling the new government as a “terrorist entity because Hamas is part of it”.

U.S Secretary of State John Kerry also phoned Netanyahu, explained the American position, and assured him that the United States will never deal with Hamas as it is “officially considered a terrorist group.”