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Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Wednesday June 11th, 2014.

In Gaza a child killed and a youth injured in an unknown explosion, meanwhile soldiers in the West Bank attack Palestinian nonviolent activists. These stories, and more, coming up, stay tuned.

A Palestinian child was killed, and a young man was wounded, in an explosion that took place in a home in the at-Tuffah neighborhood, in Gaza City.

Medical sources said the child Khalil al-Ghaseen, 13 years of age, died of serious injuries he suffered in the explosion that took place in his family’s home, in Jaffa Street.

The sources added that a young man suffered life-threatening injuries due to the blast, and was moved to a local hospital. The Palestinian Police and Security Forces in Gaza are investigating the causes of the blast.

Staying in Gaza, Palestinian militants fired a rocket, on Wednesday, striking again an open area in southern Israel, according to Israeli officials. The rocket hit the Eshkol region, without causing any casualties or damage.

In the West Bank, Nonviolent Palestinian activists held a mock soccer match in front of the Ofer Prison, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah, to express solidarity with hunger striking detainees, and were violently attacked by the soldiers.

As the Palestinian nonviolent activists, wearing T-shirts made of Palestinian flags, started their mock soccer match, Israeli soldiers attacked them, and hurled concussion grenades at them.

Local activists say the event today is part of ongoing activities in solidarity with hunger striking Palestinian detainees, and called for more popular activities and massive protests to highlight the cause of the detainees, and their suffering.

More than 100 Palestinian political detainees held by the Israeli army started their strike more than 48 days ago. Held under Administrative Detention policies, without charges or trial, the detainees are demanding to be released or have their day in court.

In other news Israeli settlers stormed the park of the Ibrahimi Mosque (Cave of the Patriarchs) in Hebron, on Wednesday, where they attempted to sabotage its content, according to media sources.

Local sources said that a group of settlers broke through the park and attempted to plow it and install water tubes and sprinklers before they were fended off by local residents.

And that’s all for today from the IMEMC News; this was the Wednesday June 11th, 2014 news round-up from the Occupied Palestinian Territories. For more news and updates please visit our Today’s report has been brought to you by George Rishmawi and me Ghassan Bannoura.