On Tuesday evening, June 24, the Israeli Air Force carried out a series of airstrikes targeting different parts of the Gaza Strip; two Palestinians injured. A child was accidentally killed by a homemade shell in northern Gaza.Media sources in Gaza have reported that the F-16 Israeli fighter jets fired at least for missiles into an agricultural area, north of Beit Lahia, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli Air Force also fired three missiles into a Palestinian Naval Police center, west of the Nusseirat refugee camp, one of the largest refugee camps, in Gaza. The attack led to excessive property damage, and two injuries.

Spokesperson of the Ministry of Health in Gaza, Ashraf al-Qodra, stated that two young officers suffered cuts and bruises due to the attack, and were move to a local hospital. Their injuries have been described as mild.

In Khan Younis, in the southern part of the coastal region, an Israeli military helicopter fired one missile into a farmland causing fires.

Eyewitnesses said the Israeli Air Force can still be seen and heard flying over different parts of the besieged coastal region.

In related news, medical sources have reported that a Palestinian child has been killed, on Tuesday evening, when a homemade shell, fired by Palestinian fighters, accidentally struck her family’s home.

Dr. al-Qodra said Joud Mohammad ad-Danf, 3 years of age, was seriously injured, and died of her wounds later on. She was one of five family members injured in the incident.