The Israeli state has found it appropriate to drop hundreds of anti-Hamas lollipops in Nablus and Ramallah, in what Ma’an News Agency has deemed ‘a renewed attempt to incite Palestinian popular opinion against the Islamist political group’.Residents of the West Bank’s two largest cities discovered, on Sunday morning, that hundreds of lollipops had been dropped in the streets and alleyways of the cities. The candy was decorated with the phrase ‘Ramadan Kareem … Some sweets, after Hamas has made life in the West Bank bitter.’

Witnesses in Nablus told Ma’an that the lollipops were seen to be distributed Israeli soldiers.

They believe the lollipops to be an attempt, by Israel, at a kind of psychological warfare aimed at inciting Palestinians against Hamas, which has been accused of having kidnapped three Israeli teens.

Last week, during a raid on Nablus, the military dropped match boxes in the streets with a phrase in ‘colloquial Arabic’ which read: ‘Beware! Hamas is inflaming the West Bank’.

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