Ayman Tbeish has suspended his hunger strike after 122 days, according to Jawad Bulous, a lawyer for the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society. Furthermore, 24 Palestinian prisoners have been placed under new Administrative Detention orders.
Tbeish, according to Bulous, has reached an agreement with the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) to limit his Administrative Detention, in which prisoners are held indefinitely without charge or trial.

Tbeish’s health condition has been suffering from low blood pressure, kidney problems, and he is unable to stand, Ma’an News Agency has reported.

An IPS spokeswoman confirmed that Tbeish ended his strike, but said that there was no deal reached between he and IPS.

The number of hunger-striking Palestinian prisoners has now been reduced to one individual who remains unidentified, according to IPS.

In related news, Israeli authorities, today, placed 24 Palestinian prisoners under Administrative Detention, according to the Palestinian Prisoner’s Club (PPC), who said that the number of AD prisoners has been elevated by 167, since the start of the military campaign in search of three missing settlers.

This now brings the overall number of Palestinians placed under Administrative Detention to 364.

Around 5,700 Palestinians are currently held in Israeli prisons.

See IMEMC Special Report: “800,000 Palestinians Imprisoned By Israel Since 1967”