Occupied Jerusalem – More clashes took place as Israeli soldiers invaded Shu’fat neighborhood, once again, on Thursday evening, and clashed with dozens of local youth.Eyewitnesses said Israeli police officers and soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets, concussion grenades and rounds of live ammunition at dozens of local youth who closed the roads and blocked with metal waste containers.

The protesters also threw a number of Molotov cocktails at the invading soldiers, and the army fired dozens of rounds of live ammunition.

Post by Raya FM.

The police pushed hundreds of officers into the area, while more soldiers were also deployed to prevent the clashes from reaching to other parts of the occupied city.

During the night clashes with the soldiers, and as the army was pushing dozens of soldiers into the area, the Palestinians used fireworks that temporarily pushed the soldiers away.

Close to 250 Palestinians have been injured during overnight clashes in Shu’fat; the clashes started after Israeli fanatics abducted, tortured and murdered Palestinian teen identified as Mohammad Abu Khdeir.

(PCHR Statement On Abduction And Murder Of Palestinian Child http://www.imemc.org/article/68317)