Palestinian sources in occupied Jerusalem have reported that the clashes and confrontations between Israeli occupation soldiers have been ongoing, while hundreds Palestinians have been wounded since a number of extremist settlers abducted a murdered a Palestinian child in occupied Jerusalem, Wednesday.The clashes have been taking place in several Arab neighborhoods and towns in the occupied city, especially in the neighborhood of Shu’fat, where the Palestinian child Mohammad Abu Khdeir, age 16, was born and lived until his abduction and murder, on Wednesday evening.

Medical sources said undercover forces of the Israeli army kidnapped six Palestinians in Shu’fat, assaulted and dragged several Palestinians, after soldiers infiltrated the neighborhood and fired rounds of live ammunition, wounding several Palestinians, including Tareq Salah Abu Khdeir. Salim Mousa Abu Khdeir and Amer al-Lifftawi.

The clashes extended from the Shu’fat neighborhood, to Beit Hanina nearby neighborhood, while medical sources said at least eight Palestinians were shot with rubber-coated metal bullets, mainly in the head and upper body parts.

Eyewitnesses said that, shortly after midnight, dozens of Palestinian youths surrounded a Palestinian home that was illegally taken over by fanatic Israeli settlers two years ago, and were attacked by more than 25 undercover soldiers who were hiding in the home.

The youths managed to torch the main door of the home, and some of its windows.

Four more Palestinians have been wounded in Shu’fat refugee camp, while soldiers kidnapped two Palestinian children. One Palestinian was moved to a local hospital after a soldier fired a gas bomb directly at him.

Several Palestinians were injured by live rounds at the Anata town junction, and more than twenty Palestinians were injured by rubber-coated metal bullets and concussion grenades.

Two of the wounded Palestinians suffered head injuries after being hit by rubber-coated metal bullets, and were moved to a local hospital.

Clashes also continued in the at-Tour neighborhood, Silwan, Ras al-’Amoud and the al-Isawiyya town in occupied Jerusalem.

In addition, one woman was shot in the back by a rubber bullet as she was standing in front of her home.

Local youth threw stones and Molotov cocktails at dozens of invading soldiers, who fired rounds of live ammunition.

At least ten Palestinians have been injured in the al-‘Isawiyya town, after the soldiers invaded it, while resident Aisha Hamdan, 60 years of age, suffered a broken leg after she was hit by a concussion grenade, fired by the soldiers at her.

Hundreds of soldiers have also been deployed in areas separating between the French Hill, the Hebrew University and the Hadassah Hospital, in order to prevent the protesters from entering those areas, where they fired several rounds of live ammunition at them.

In al-Ram, at least three Palestinians have been wounded, while undercover forces of the Israeli military kidnapped at least three more Palestinians.

In addition, soldiers kidnapped three Palestinians in a number of neighborhoods in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem.

One Palestinian, identified as Nidal Amin Shqeirat, 33, suffered various cuts and bruises after being violently assaulted and beaten by Israeli soldiers in Jabal al-Mokabber.

The soldiers prevented a Palestinian ambulance crew from reaching him, an issue that led to further clashes.

Meanwhile, dozens of extremist Israeli settlers attacked the Mamanallah Mall, chanting slogans, including “Death To Arabs”, and “Revenge” before trying to attack Palestinian workers and residents.

The police arrived at the scene and forced the settlers out, but did not arrest any of them.

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