Palestinian medical sources have reported that three Palestinians, including a 73-year-old woman, were killed on Sunday at dawn, in the Gaza Strip, as Israel’s war on the Palestinians in the coastal region continues for the sixth day. Many Palestinians have been injured in ongoing Israeli attacks.The sources said that Ezzeddin Bolbol, from Rafah, died of serious injuries suffered when the army bombarded an area, north of Rafah, on Thursday evening.

Another Palestinian, identified as Rami Abu Shanab, 25, died of wounds suffered when the army bombarded an area in Deir al-Balah, last Thursday.

In addition, medical sources in Gaza said an elderly women, identified as Ramziya Abdul-Al, 73, died on Sunday at dawn of serious wounds suffered, Saturday, when an Israeli missile struck her home to the south of Gaza City.

Meanwhile, the Israeli army, Air Force and Navy heavily bombarded several areas in different parts of the coastal region, the WAFA News Agency has reported.

Several Palestinians have also been injured, on Sunday at dawn, after the Israeli Air Force fired a missile into a home in Gaza City.

The Israeli Navy also fired several missiles into Palestinian structures close to the shore, in the western area of Gaza city.

Two Palestinian homes have been directly hit by Israeli artillery shells in the Shujaeyya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, while a number of homes were partially damaged; several Palestinians have been injured.

A number of homes were also struck by Israeli shells in the central district, and in Deir al-Balah, in addition to the Jabal ar-Rayyes area and the Zeitoun neighborhood, in Gaza City.

Five Palestinians have been injured, two seriously, in an Israeli bombardment targeting Khan Younis, in southern Gaza. They were moved to Nasser Hospital in the city.

Israeli Navy boats, and army helicopters, also fired missiles into Palestinian lands, west of Beit Lahia, the Sudaniyya coast and al-Waha area, in northern Gaza.

Meanwhile, the al-Qassam Brigades of Hamas said its fighters clashed with Israeli soldiers trying to infiltrate Gaza through the Sudaniyya coast.

Israeli missiles and shells have killed fifty-four Palestinians, Saturday, and dozens have been injured many serious, while 169 Palestinians have been killed since Israel began its war on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, July 8, and more than a thousand Palestinians have been injured, scores seriously.

Related: List of Palestinians, Including Whole Families, Killed Since Tuesday