Hundreds of protests were held in cities around the world, on Friday and Saturday, calling for an end to the Israeli assault on Gaza, which has lasted five days and cost the lives of over 150 Palestinians, including babies, small children and whole families. Many more protests are planned for the coming week.Protests were held on Saturday in cities from Milan, Italy to New York City to Seoul, South Korea. Thousands of people took to the streets in London, Oslo and Paris on Friday, as well as more than a hundred other towns and cities.

In Israel, Palestinians and Jews protested in Haifa, Tel-Aviv, Yaffa, Tira, Sakhnin on Saturday to protest the attacks on Gaza and call for an end to the violence. Dozens rallied in two protests in Yaffa by Palestinian youth and solidarity activists. In Tel-Aviv, five hundred left activists held a demonstration calling for an end to the violence.

A large group of right wing activists clashed with the protesters, assaulting some of them as they were running for cover when a siren went off indicating a Palestinian homemade shell. Eyewitnesses say the police were idle at best, and some police indicated their support of the right-wingers who attacked the demonstration.

One of the protesters received treatment in a hospital nearby. In Haifa 500 Jewish and Arab protesters marched together against the operation. One of the organizers, Raja Zaatry, was later called for questioning after the march did not receive a permit from the Haifa city police. Demonstrations were also held in Tira and Sakhnin.

Palestinians in diaspora around the world led protests, with their supporters numbering in the hundreds in most places, and in the thousands in Oslo, Norway and Istanbul,Turkey. Turkey is the only country whose government has withdrawn all diplomatic relations with Israel as a response to the aerial assault on Gaza.

Jewish Voice for Peace was a co-sponsor in many of the events across the U.S., and many Jewish speakers have voiced outrage at Israel’s claim that it represents all Jews, while carrying out such a brutal assault on civilians.

In Kashmir and Indonesia, people took to the streets to protest what they termed a ‘massacre’ in Gaza.

In Washington DC, Palestinian-American told the Washington Post, “Our relatives are being bombed; it’s not an easy thing to just sit down.”

Full list of demonstrations taking place worldwide in support of the people of Gaza…tine/