The Gaza Ministry of Interior says Palestinians are proving to be a model of steadfastness against the psychological war being perpetrated by Israel.See: Thousands of Palestinians Seek Refuge at UNRWA Schools

The Ministry praised Gazans all along the borderlines for their sense of responsibility and not responding to calls to evacuate their houses.

‘We appreciate our people’s steadfastness, mainly those living on the border areas, as they prefer to be stay tight at their houses and lands,’ a statement said, according to Al Ray.

The Ministry asserts that it will be, all the time, beside its people and will do whatever is necessary for the Palestinians’ safety and stability.

Well over 200 Palestinians have been killed, so far, in Israel’s current assault on the region, with nearly 2,000 reported injuries, many of which are quite severe.

Hospitals lack urgently need medicines and other supplies, as doctors and activists are warned to evacuate their stations. Municipal and other civilian facilities have been frequent targets in the ongoing agression against Gaza.

Doctors Evacuate Patients After Israel Bombs Hospital

Shelling Continues in Gaza, Ground Operation in Progress

Doctor in Gaza Reports Injuries Indicating Israeli Use of Banned Weapons

Gaza Municipality: Targeting Public Facilities a Willful Crime

ISM Update — Gaza Report: War Against Civilians

US President Barrack Obama said, recently, that his administration backed an initiative for ceasefire in Gaza, proposed on Monday, by Egypt.

However, the actual legitimacy of any alleged Egyptian ceasefire proposal has come under heavy scrutiny by critics.

Related: US House Unanimously Passes Resolution Supporting Israeli Attack on Gaza

Egyptian ‘Ceasefire Proposal’ a Scam?