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Welcome to this Week in Palestine – Gaza Special Coverage, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for July 12th, to the 18th, 2014.

267 Palestinians killed, hundreds more injured as the Israeli military offensive targeting the Gaza Strip enters its 11th day. In the meantime all effectors to reach a ceasefire have not been successful. These stories and more, coming up, stay tuned.

The Palestinian ministry of health in Gaza have announced that on Friday 30 people were killed and dozens injured after Israeli stepped up its offensive on costal enclave which started last tuned. Up until the time of this report that death toll have reached 267 civilians and more than 1750 others injured.

On Thursday night Israeli tanks invaded areas close to the borders of the southern Gaza Strip. Moreover Israeli war planes bombarded residents’ homes, hospitals and schools. On Thursday attacks left five children killed.

On Wednesday an Israeli naval ship fired multiple artillery shells at children on a beach in Gaza City killing four children from Bakir family between the ages of 9 and 11. The attack happened near the beach hotel were forging journalists are staying. For more insight on the situation joining me from Gaza IMEMC’s reporter Rami Al Meghari. Rami welcome to the show; to start with, how people are dealing with the Israeli constant attacks?

Now for the political efforts what can you tell us on that?

Rami can you elaborate where do the Egyptian ceasefire deal stands?

Thank you so much Rami for this update.

In the West Bank this week, Israeli troops continued its daily invasions and kidnappings. On Friday troops used tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets to attack anti wall and settlements protests organized in West Bank communities. IMEMC’s Eman Abedraboo Bannoura reports:

Clashes between local youth and Israeli troops were reported all week in the districts of Ramallah, central West Bank, Bethlehem and Hebron, in southern West Bank. Youth protests the Israeli ongoing attacks on Gaza.

Moreover Dozens of Israeli military vehicles invaded, on Wednesday at dawn, several Palestinian communities in the southern West Bank district of Hebron, and kidnapped eleven Palestinians, including one legislator. On Tuesday at dawn, Israeli troops invaded, the city of Bethlehem, and kidnapped one legislator, and three other civilians.

On Friday, anti-wall and settlements protests organized in West Bank villages were meet by the Israeli army tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets.

In central West Bank, protests were organized in the villages of Bil’in, Ni’lin, and Al Nabi Saleh. In addition to a protest was organized in the village of Al Ma’ssara in southern West Bank. Palestinian medical sources reported that dozens of civilians were injured due to tear gas inhalation.

For IMEMC News this is Eman Abedraboo Bannoura.


And that’s all for today from This Week in Palestine – Gaza Special Coverage . This was the Weekly report for July 12th, to the 18th 2014 from the Occupied Palestinian Territories. For more news and updates please visit our website This week’s report has been brought to you by George Rishmawi, and me Ghassan Bannoura.