The al-Qassam Brigades said, Saturday, that a group of its fighters infiltrated Israeli territory for the second time in a day, killing five Israeli soldiers. The Israeli military spokesperson has confirmed that a total of five soldiers have been killed over the last two days of the Israeli ground invasion.According to Ma’an News Agency, the Palestinian resistance fighters tunneled into Israel near Sufa crossing, east of Rafah, where they claim to have killed five Israeli soldiers.

The Brigades said that three were killed by direct gunshots to the head, while the other two died from bullet wounds in other parts of their bodies.

The Israeli army announced the deaths of Israeli sergeant Adar Bersano, 20, and one Major Amotz Greenberg, age 45, just hours earlier, as another group of militants associated with al-Qassam Brigades had also managed to tunnel under the Gaza border, in the Eshkol region.

The military returned fire, killing one of the resistance fighters. The rest returned to Gaza, via the tunnel, with Israeli soldiers following in pursuit.

The Brigades says their fighters killed six soldiers and burnt two jeeps in the operation. This information has not yet been confirmed by the Israeli authorities, , according to the PNN.

Egyptian Soldiers in north Sinai, today as well, prevented an aid convoy of activists from reaching the Rafah border crossing, an AFP correspondent said.

A brief scuffle between some activists and soldiers ensued, but no arrests were made.

The Egyptian military had previously said that it was sending 500 tons of food and medical aid to the besieged Gaza Strip.

However, Egyptian authorities at Rafah border crossing have consistently barred travel between Gaza and Egypt, since the country began backing Israel’s crippling siege on the region in 2007.

Hamas has refused to accept a ceasefire with Israel until it receives guarantees that border crossings to Gaza — all but one under Israeli control — will be opened.

See: Egyptian Authorities Bar European Medics from Gaza

Hamas: No Official Stance on Egyptian Initiative — Hamas, Islamic Jihad submit 10 conditions for truce

Egyptian ‘Ceasefire Proposal’ a Scam?

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