The Israeli army continued its bombardment of Palestinian communities in different part of the Gaza Strip, targeting homes and civilian structures, and killed at least thirteen more Palestinian, while dozens have been wounded.Two Palestinians have been killed by Israeli missiles targeting homes in Gaza City, medical sources said.

They have been identified as Mohammad Abdul-Ra’ouf ad-Dadda, 39, and Ahmad Mohammad Bolbol, Gaza.

Remains of five Palestinians have been located under the rubble of bombarded homes in ar-Ranna area, in Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

Four of them have been identified as Hasan Salah Abu Jamous, 29, Mahmoud Yousef Khaled al-‘Abadla, 22, Nour Abdul-Rahim al-‘Abadla, 22, Mohammad Farid al-Astal, while the fifth remained unidentified.

An elderly man, identified as Husam Abu Hayyin, 70, along with Osama Abu Hayyin, 34, and reporter Abdul-Rahman Abu Hayyin, 24 were killed, and two were injured, when the army fired missiles into homes in Shuja’eyya neighborhood, in Gaza.

Also, resident Mohammad Ziad Habib, 30, was killed when an Israeli missile struck his home in Gaza City.

Medical sources in Gaza said resident Nidal Hamad al-‘Ejla, 25, was killed and around 30 Palestinians were injured when the army fired missiles close to the Sham’a Mosque in Gaza.

Medics also located the bodies of four Palestinians buried under the rubble of their homes that were bombarded by the army late on Tuesday at night, in Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

Resident Mohammad Abu Redya and his wife Shama Shahin, have bern killed after an Israeli missile struck their home, while residents Khalil Abu Jame’ and Hussam al-Qarra were killed in different attacks, in Khan Younis.

Also, a child identified as Rabea’ Abu Qassem, 12, was killed in the Bedouin village, in northern Gaza. At least four Palestinians were injured.

It is worth mentioning that the army also fired missiles into several cemeteries in Gaza.

The Ministry of Health in Gaza said 30 Palestinians, including women and children, were moved to the Shifa Hospital in Gaza, suffered moderate injuries, except for two children and a man who suffered serious injuries.

The Ministry of Health said 18 Palestinians have been killed Wednesday, and at least 120 have been injured.