Israel has called up 16,000 additional reservists to the holster of its ongoing slaughter in the Gaza Strip, now in its third week of operations and during which over one thousand Gazans have already been killed, over 85% of whom were civilians.’The army has issued 16,000 additional mobilization orders to allow troops on the ground to rest, which takes the total number of reservists to 86,000,’ said an army spokeswoman, according to Ma’an.

The call-up apparently came just following a recent announcement by Washington officials that they had agreed to restock Israel’s reportedly ‘dwindling’ supply of ammunition, this despite all denunciatory rhetoric in regard to the latest of what is now several attacks on UN schools by Israeli forces in Gaza.

The Israeli security cabinet reiterated, today, the narrative of ‘security concerns’, voicing its collective desire to launch more attacks against what it continues to insist are Hamas ‘terrorist targets’ and, of course, strategic tunnels built by Palestinian resistance forces between Israel and Gaza.

Over 100 Palestinians have died in the smoking ruins of the Gaza Strip, on just Wednesday alone.

A senior official reportedly told Haaretz that Israel was not even close to a ceasefire.