On Wednesday evening, a number of undercover soldiers of the Israeli military, infiltrated into Tulkarem city, in the northern part of the West Bank, and kidnapped a nonviolent activist from his store, south of the city.Local sources have reported that Islambolly Riyadh Mohammad Bodeir, 28, was kidnapped from his store, in the ground floor of his home, near the al-Qassam Mosque in Tulkarem.

The Radio Bethlehem 2000 quoted eyewitnesses stating that the undercover soldiers, driving a Palestinian car, parked near the al-Qassam Mosque, and attacked Bodeir, before forcing him into their car and sped out of the city.

According to eyewitnesses, the last he said before being forced into the car was “tell my family, those are Israeli soldiers”.

A month ago, Bodeir was released from an Israeli detention facility after spending more than 20 days in detention, also after being kidnapped along with resident Mohammad al-Hamshari by the undercover forces of the Israeli military.

He is a father of a one-month of age daughter.