Israeli forces abducted four Palestinians from different areas of the West Bank, on Sunday, while summoning others to appear for interrogation, according to local reports.The Palestinian Prisoner’s Club (PPC) said that an Israeli army unit arrested Badri Abu Zalta, 14, and Kazim an Najjar, 16, severely beating them near the segregation wall which separates the West Bank from officially recognized Israeli territory. Soldiers beat Zalta and Najjar on the head with their rifle butts, causing them injuries, before leading them to Etzion detention facilty.

Meanwhile, WAFA further reports that soldiers stormed the village of Burin, to the south of Nablus, where they raided several houses before taking a local resident.

The army additionally raided Aida refugee camp, north of Bethlehem, kidnapping a 20-year-old Palestinian after conducting a search on his family home. Troops patrolled the city in the early morning hours, with no further abductions reported.

A flying checkpoint was set up at the entrance of Beit Fajjar village, near Bethlehem, where soldiers checked the identity cards of passengers and searched passing vehicles. Two brothers were ordered to appear before Israeli intelligence for interrogation.

Later on Sunday, in the town of Ya’bad, west of Jenin, confrontations broke out in which soldiers fired stun grenades and rubber-coated bullets; no injuries were reported.

Furthermore, Israeli soldiers stormed Jenin City in the morning hours, provoking confrontations with local residents, but injuries or abductions were reported.

See also: ‘PPS: 597 Palestinians Arrested During August’