According to Israeli media, PM Netanyahu does not plan to send a delegation for negotiations in Cairo, as stipulated by the recent ceasefire agreement.In a TV report, Channel 10 stated that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a closed session, told his cabinet that he would not send a delegation to Egypt for further discussion, as agreed, regarding a seaport and airport in Gaza, the release of Palestinian prisoners, the demilitarization of Gaza factions, and the delivery of bodies of Israeli soldiers presumed to be held by Hamas, among other unresolved issues.

According to Ma’an News Agency, Netanyahu spoke proudly to his cabinet about the Gaza offensive, saying that Hamas had not achieved any of its demands.

Qais Abd al-Karim, member of the Palestinian delegation to Cairo, told Ma’an that any Israeli step which shows a lack of commitment to the ceasefire’s terms would render the ceasefire null and void.

Mr. Abd al-Karim additionally stated that the Palestinian team is awaiting Egypt’s invitation, and that it is still committed to the terms of the ceasefire agreement.

See recent: ‘Half of Israeli Political-Security Cabinet Opposes Ceasefire Agreement’