Tuesday, September 2: A young Palestinian man, from Nablus, was shot and killed, by Israeli army fire, at the Taybeh roadblock near the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia; one was mildly wounded, and three detained. Palestinian medical sources said Mohammad Sabri al-Qanni, 25, from kafr Qalil village, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, was seriously injured by army fire, and succumbed to his wounds.

Israeli sources claimed the slain man ‘tried to speed through the roadblock’, allegedly to ram the soldiers with his car, before the soldiers shot him.

A military ambulance took al-Qanni to Meir Medical Center in Kfar Saba, before he was moved to the Rabin Medical Center.

Israeli Ynet news said several passengers were in a car which carried Israeli license plates. The passengers were all Palestinian workers with permits to work inside Israel, according to local sources.

It added the soldier, who opened fire at the car, “felt a threat to his safety”, also stating that one passenger was shot in the leg, reportedly while “trying to escape’, and suffered a minor injury.

Three passengers were kidnapped by the army and were moved to an interrogation facility.