According to Israeli security sources, the Hamas movement in Gaza has arrested an armed group that fired a shell into the Eshkol Regional Council of Settlement.The shell did not cause any damage or injury.

Israeli daily Maariv quoted the sources stating Israel indirectly sent a message to Hamas demanding the arrest of those behind the firing the shell, adding that Israel threatened to retaliate should no action be taken.

It said that the Hamas movement responded to the message, and arrested the group.

According to the report, Hamas affirmed its commitment to the ceasefire agreement, and that it will arrest any group that violates the truce.

Israel Ynet News said the group behind the incident is believed to be a “rebellious faction”, adding that Israel threatened that should Hamas fail to act, “it will have to act and retaliate.’

On its part, Hamas denied any knowledge of the mortar attack, and said it is fully committed to the truce that was reached on August 26.

The movement said it will not allow any group to violate the truce in any way, shape of form.

See also: ’26 Post-ceasefire Violations Documented by Canadian-based Think Tank’