Israeli naval forces opened fire off the coast of northern Gaza, late Wednesday, injuring a Palestinian fisherman, according to local reports.Ma’an News Agency reports that one Yousef Zayif, age 70, was hit by live fire while waiting for his sons on the shore of a beach near al-Sudaniya.

Medics described his injuries as ‘moderate’, while the Israeli army did not return calls seeking comment.

M’an further reports that, on Sunday, an Israeli warship opened fire at Palestinian fishermen off the coast of Gaza City’s al-Shati refugee camp.

Speaker for the Union of Gaza Fishermen, Nizar Ayyash, told Ma’an that Israeli gunboats ‘have been firing at fishermen every day since the ceasefire agreement was signed.’

He also said that naval forces have detained six Palestinian fishermen since the truce was first called in August.

Furthermore, the Israeli blockade in place since 2006 — and backed by Egypt since 2007 — has severely limited imports and exports within the Gaza Strip, and has led to frequent humanitarian crises and hardship for Gazans.

See also: 09/16/14 26 Post-ceasefire Violations Documented by Canadian-based Think Tank