Israeli police assaulted, this past Wednesday, 16-year old Shadi Raed Ghurab as he was walking along Nablus Street, in occupied East Jerusalem.Police severely beat the boy with batons while he was being detained in the interrogation room, at the Salah Eddin Street police station, according to Jerusalem’s Wadi Hilweh Information Center. The Center noted that he suffered fractures in his arm and leg, as seen in the photo.

Shadi explained that an officer detained him on Nablus Street and, then, took him to Salah Eddin Street police station. After the interrogator entered the room, he mocked the child for being a resident of the Al-Thori neighborhood, which resulted in a number of verbal altercations.

Additionally, according to the boy’s testimony, the interrogator then transferred him to a different room which did not have any cameras, upon which he was assaulted by not one but three officers.

Shadi explained that he was able to leave the station during the arrest of another young man, and was then transferred to Al-Maqased hospital for treatment.

Such inhumane treatment of Palestinians is a common occurrence, by both Israeli authorities and civilian settlers alike.

See also, from Wadi Hilweh Info Center, ‘In pictures: The police arrest the 9-year old Qusai Ashoor and detain him for hours’