Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas met with the President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, in New York on Tuesday.
Abbas thanked President Morales for Bolivia’s solidarity and political action taken on the Palestine question and, particularly, its recognition of the Palestinian State, as well as its strong position of support during the latest Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip.

According to the PNN, President Abbas expressed willingness to strengthen the bilateral relations between the two countries, in addition to increased involvement by Lattin America in the upcoming political efforts to end the Israeli occupation.

See: Abbas To Submit Resolution To UN Security Council Friday

President Abbas reportedly stressed that, for many years, Palestine has been a gateway for friendly nations to expand relations with the rest of the Arab world, and that this would not be any different in the case of Bolivia.

Finally, President Abbas announced the planned opening of a Palestinian embassy in La Paz.
Bolivia is a country which has integrated thousands of Palestinian immigrants into their social fabric, people who have contributed to the economic, cultural and social development of Bolivia, and has committed its support to the project, the PNN reports.

Palestine is deeply thankful for the treatment and the status given to its Palestinian community in the South American nation.

See also: 08/07/14 International Solidarity Grows as Israeli Crimes Against Gaza Take Root in Collective Consciousness

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